Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Philosopher

Cleveland's Hessler Road Street Fair was the scene of one of my very favorite stories. We were here decades ago.
The balconies you see on the top level were draped with a huge banner that said, "GOT A QUESTION? ASK A PHILOSOPHER. 50 CENTS."
I told Dale, "I have to do this!" So I entered the building, knocked on each apartment door, asking the same question: "Are you the philosopher?" At each door I received the same reply, and nobody could advise me where I might find that philosopher. I felt a bit like Diogenes must have, in his famous quest for an honest man. 
Finally, on the top floor of the building, I knocked on a door and a girl answered. I asked my question. She replied, "Yeah, I guess so." I held out my money, saying, "I have never before had a chance to support a philosopher." She said, "I can't just take your money. Don't you have a question?" 
I thought for a minute, then said, "I see people walking around down on the street carrying paper cups of beer. Do you know where they got them? Her reply: "At the deli around the corner." We had a deal, and I had my once in a lifetime chance to support a philosopher. 

© J M-K  February 2016

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